Smart Footprint

Ngā Tapuwae

Smart learners are creating a positive digital footprint

Students who have a smart footprint think about how they advertise their 'brand' online and they remember that anything shared digitally will be there forever. Students are reminded to post content that they and their whānau will be proud of and understand the difference between private and public information.

Teacher Notes 2020

Who you are

There are lots of different ways to find out who someone is. You could have a conversation with them, find out about them from their friends and family and you can even find out about them by what they say and do online.

All of these things help tell a person who you are. The online you should reflect who you are offline too.

Copy of Grade 4 - Private and Personal Information - Lesson Slides

What information is okay to share online?

Private Information

Information about you that can be used to identify you because it's unique to you (e.g., your full name or your address)

Personal Information

Information about you that cannot be used to identify you because it is also true for many other people (e.g., your hair color or the city you live in)

First task: Copy the document here and change the private information into personal information.

Now it's your turn to create something to TEACH others what information about who you are is okay to share online.

Here are three examples of what you could do... What other information from above could you include? How creative can you be? Make sure to share it to your blog once you are done!

Private and personal Information Hannaneh Amelia Ofa Vern
Nope Yip Cooper .mp4

Digital Footprint

Learn about what a digital footprint is and how it affects your identity.

Read and Watch the texts below.

Remember you can use the online tool Read & Write (the purple puzzle in your toolbar) to help with the reading.

What is a Digital Footprint?
Digital Footprint and Online Reputations

Create and Share Activities

  • Have a conversation with someone about what you read, was there anything new/interesting? Anything you don't agree with or understand?

  • Complete the Digital Footprints Quiz (remember you can check your own answers after).

  • Create a blog post to share something that you have read or learnt about digital footprints. You could even create your own quiz in Google Forms (learn how here).

A picture's worth a thousand words.

When we post selfies or other images for people to see, that will often lead them to make assumptions about who we are. An assumption is something that someone thinks is true, but in reality, may or may not be true.

Pretend you are going to take a selfie to post to a public website for anyone to see. Where would you take it? What would you be doing? What would you look like? Write a Blog post about it.

Challenge: Try to draw yourself in a google drawing. The video on the right shows you how to "doodle yourself." As always, share to your blog once you are done!

Staying Smart Online

Staying smart online means always thinking about what you are posting before you post it. Comments you make and pictures you share have an impact on how people see you. Watch the video to the right and think about your online footprint. ------->

Always check your privacy settings when you join a new platform. This will make sure that you are never sharing more information than you think you are to people you don't know.

Check out a buddies blog to see what information they are sharing about themselves.

Complete the "Blog Battle Activity" ----->

Choose a partner to work with for your blog battle. In the table there are some prizes and traps that can earn or lose you points. You need to hunt through your partner’s blog to find evidence for as many of the categories as you can. Add up your points at the end to see who wins the smart footprint prize!

Blog Battle 2020

Choose Your Destiny!

Students Slides Pick a Path
Pick a Path How to in Slides & Forms

Check Out These Examples...

Pax the Cat in Slides

Pax the Cat in Forms

Interactive Story Game

Zombie Kids

Now it's your turn to create a Pick a Path Story in either Slides or Forms.

Try to include all of the things you have learnt about your digital footprint and how to stay smart while you are working online. Then (as always) SHARE your work to your blog so that everyone can leave you comments!