Smart User Year 6+

Over the course of the term students will be making connections with the Cybersmart Learning and the Digital Curriculum. If you are interested in learning more about this OMGTech have a great online resource here.

CT - Scratch Blog Commenting - Smart Relationships - Lesson Content
Creating a Collage
4. Smart User - Google Drive.webm
3 - Gamefroot - Mihi Maker
Phishing - Smart Surfing - Lesson Content
Don't bit that phising hook DLO

Having an attitude of Gratitude!

Use the time in class to create an online postcard - if you are lucky your teachers will print these out so you can send them!

Use this link to access rewindable resources for how to create the postcard.

Fortune Teller App

Create a fortune telling app!

Use the example to think about how you may be able to create an online fortune teller.